Eva Catharina Kirsch 1788-1837

- Born on 27 May 1788 in Spechbach, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- Died on 13 January 1837 in Kolonie Karlsruh, Hochstadt, Ukraine
- 48 years, 7 months, 17 days old
- Konrad Kirsch 1755-1811 (age at birth of Eva Catharina Kirsch - 33 years)
- Rosina Catharina Seifert 1766-1810 (age at birth of Eva Catharina Kirsch - 22 years)
Marriage and child
- Married to Johann Adam Wetzel 1790-1834, son of Erasmus Wetzel ca 1750 and Catharina Wetzel 1756-1808, with child:
- Georg 1823-1882
- Individual, marriage: https://www.blackseagr.org/blksea-db/getperson.php?personID=I933&tree=653.
Kirsch 1755-1811 |
Rosina Catharina
Seifert 1766-1810 |
│ | 1784 | │ | ||||||||||||||||
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Eva Catharina
Kirsch 1788-1837 |