- Born on 14 September 1756 in Eich,Germany
- Died on 13 March 1808
- 51 years, 5 months, 29 days old
- Sosa 17 – A great-great-grandmother of Jakob Wetzel
- Valentin Wetzel 1718-1765 (age at birth of Catharina Wetzel - 38 years)
- Elisabetha Mans 1717-1761 (age at birth of Catharina Wetzel - 39 years)
Marriage and children
- Married on 23 July 1782 to Erasmus Wetzel ca 1750, son of Philipp Wetzel and ? ?, with six children:
- Johann Jakob 1781-1841
- Johannes 1784-1837
- Nikolaus 1787-1855
- Johann Adam 1790-1834
- Philipp 1794-1796
- Heinrich 1796
- Birth, death: OFB Eich,Katholisches KB, Germany.
- Marriage: Quelle: Archion, KB Eich, Taufregister 1696-1773, Trauregister 1649-1798, Beerdigungsregister 1668-1798, Bild 318.
Wetzel 1718-1765 |
Mans 1717-1761 |
│ | 1750 | │ | ||||||||||||||||
│ |
- Johannes 1751
- Anna Maria 1754-1759
- Catharina 1756-1808
- Nicolaus 1759