[paternal grand-parents], [uncles and aunts]
[maternal grand-parents], [uncles and aunts]
![[missing image]](images/img_unknown_man.png)
- 出生 于 1854年2月17日 [in (place)] Ludwigstal, Aleksandrovsk, Ekaterinoslav, Ukraine
- [baptized] 于 1854年3月3日 [in (place)] Grunau, Aleksandrovsk, Ekaterinoslav, Russisches Kaiserreich
- 死
- [[close family] (3/2) of x x] [passing by] Wilhelm Neb 和 Maria ?.
- Jakob Neb 1813- ([age at Gottlieb Neb birth date] - 41 岁)
- Clara Orth 1815-1881 ([age at Gottlieb Neb birth date] - 39 岁)