- Born on 2 August 1711 in Unterbrüden, Backnang, Württemberg (Germany)
- Died on 10 November 1759 in Unterbrüden, Backnang, Württemberg (Germany)
- 48 years, 3 months, 8 days old
Marriage and children
- Married on 18 August 1744 julian (29 August 1744) in Unterweissach, Germany to Johann Leonard Meister 1716-, son of Jakob Meister and ? ?, with five children:
- Johann Leonard 1745-
- Mattheus 1748-
- Christian 1751-1751
- Rosina 1752-1789
- Johann Heinrich 1756-
- Birth: Stammbaum von Lea M..
- Death: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:3174362&id=I759.