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Karl Stumpp. Die Auswanderung aus Deutschland nach Rußland in den Jahren 1763 bis 1862.
"Fiedler, Joh.Georg, aus Wü,1828, nach Ludwigstal/Tau "

Gottlieb Betsch from Württemberg resettled to Ludwigstal; Gottlieb Dilger - to Ludwigstal; Michael Rube - to the Mariupol District; Daniel Gotman, Jacob Frederick Gotman, Johann George Fiddler, Christian Pullman - to Mirau; Jacob Galler - to Weinau; Christian Frederick Clink and his sister Elisabeth Katherine Clink resettled to Neuhoffnung (to the family of the colonist Johann Schok).

Odessa Archives Fund (Fond) 6, Inventory 1: 1832 File 2685. File concerning the resettlement of the colonists and Mennonites of the Ekaterinoslav Settlement. Correspondence from the Ekaterinoslav Guardianship Office with the Guardianship Committee concerning the resettlement of the colonists and Mennonites: